These resources have been designed to help you develop your lesson. They have been compiled by many saints and therefore contain a selection of different ideas and styles.

The title and main focus tell you what your lesson will be about. The focus for your level is the particular focus for your level group. In coordination and prayer with your group think about what you will do to impart the focus. Look at the suggested learning experiences in the lesson resource. Do you think any of them will work for your group of children? You may wish to adjust one or two to suit your group. Or you may wish to plan entirely different learning experiences. Check the supplementary resources – besides a number of engaging activities there are many visual resources to go with stories that can be downloaded and made into cards or used digitally.

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There is God

God Is


God’s Law

Proper Humanity

Human Relationships


Man and God

Spot a mistake in a lesson?

Lesson Resource Feedback Form: tinyurl.com/lessons-feedback

There is God

God is

G101LGod is the Creator  [Download PDF] [Worksheet]
G102LGod is Eternal [Download PDF] [Activity] [Information] [Worksheet]
G103LThere is Only One God [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Story 1] [Story 2] [Visual]
G104LGod is Everywhere [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Activity 3] [Story]
G105LGod is All-Powerful [Download PDF] [Activity] [Information] [Video] [Worksheet]
G106LGod is Love [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2]
G107LGod is Light [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Activity 3] [Visual 1] [Visual 2]
G108LGod is Righteous [Download PDF] [Activity] [Worksheet]
G109LGod is All-Knowing [Download PDF] [Activity] [Story]
G110LGod is Living  [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Activity 3] [Video] [Worksheet 1][Worksheet 2] [Worksheet 3]
G111LGod is True [Download PDF] [Activity] [Information] [Visual]
G112LGod is Wise [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Activity 3] [Activity 3 answers]
G113LGod is Joy [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Template] [Visual 1] [Visual 2] [Worksheet]
G114LGod is Kind [Download PDF]  [Activity] [Information] [Story 1] [Story 2] [Visual]
G115LGod is Great [Download PDF] [Video 1] [Video 2] [Visual 1] [Visual 2]
G116LGod is Good [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Template] [Activity 2] [Activity 3] [Story 1] [Story 2]
G117LGod is Endurance [Download PDF] [Activity] [Power point] [Visual] [Worksheet]
G118LGod is Compassion [Download PDF]
G119LGod is Encouragement [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Activity 3] [Video]
G120LGod is Peace [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Activity 3] [Story 1] [Story 2] [Visual]
G121LGod is Faithful [Download PDF] [Activity] [Information] [Story 1] [Story 2] [Video 1] [Video 2] [Video 3] [Video 4]
G122LGod is Prudent [Download PDF] [Activity] [Information] [Visual]
G123LGod is Impartial [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Activity 3] [Story 1] [Story 2] [Story 3] [Story 4]


G301LGod’s Greatness Seen in the Heavens  [Download PDF] [Activity] [Information 1] [Information 2] [Video] [Worksheet]
G302LGod’s Greatness  Seen on the Earth  [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2]
G303LGod’s Majesty Seen in the Heavens  [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Activity 3] [Activity 4] [Worksheet]
G304LGod’s Majesty Seen on the Earth – Animal  [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Activity 3] [Activity 4] [Worksheet] [Video 1] [Video 2]
G305LGod’s Majesty Seen on the Earth – Land & water  [Download PDF] [Information 1] [Information 2] [Video 1] [Video 2]
G306LGod’s Majesty Seen on the Earth – Plant & Tree  [Download PDF] [Activity] [Information 1] [Information 2] [Story] [Visual] [Visual2]
G307LGod’s Orderliness Seen in the Heavens  [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Video]
G308LGod’s Orderliness Seen on the Earth  [Download PDF] [Activity] [Information] [Video 1] [Video 2] [Video 3] [Video 4] [Video 5] [Worksheet]
G309LGod’s Beauty Seen on the Earth  [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Activity 3] [Video] [Visual] [Lesson Example]
G310L God’s Power Seen in the Heavens  [Download PDF] [Lesson Example] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Visual 1] [Visual 2]
G311L God’s Power Seen on the Earth  [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Information] [Video 1] [Video 2] [Video 3] [Video4] [Video 5]
G312L God’s Wisdom Seen in the Heavens  [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Information 1] [Information 2] [Information 3] [Visual] [Video 1] [Video 2] [Video 3]
G313L God’s Wisdom Seen on the Earth  [Download PDF] [Activity] [Activity 2] [Information 1] [Information 2] [Video 1] [Video 2]
G314L Amazing Principles in Creation  [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Activity 3] [Information 1] [Information 2] [Information 3] [Information 4] [Video 1] [Video 2]
G315L God’s Perfect Design and Plan Seen in Creation  [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Activity 3] [Information] [Video 1] [Video 2] [Video 3]
God’s Authority Seen in Creation  [Download PDF] [Information] [Video 1] [Video 2] [Video 3]
Man Awesomely and Wonderfully Made – Mouth  [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Activity 3] [Information 1] [Information 2]
Man Awesomely and Wonderfully Made – Nose  [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Information] [Video 1] [Video 2]
Man Awesomely and Wonderfully Made – Ears  [Download PDF] [Information] [Video 1] [Video 2] [Video 3] [Video 4] [Video 5] [Video 6] [Video 7] [Video 8] [Video 9]
Man Awesomely and Wonderfully Made – Eyes  [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Activity 3] [Activity 4] [Information] [Video 1] [Video 2]
Man Awesomely and Wonderfully Made – Hands and Feet  [Download PDF] [Activity] [Information] [Video 1] [Video 2] [Video 3]
Man Awesomely and Wonderfully Made – Circulatory System  [Download PDF] [Activity] [Information] [Visual 1] [Visual 2] [Video 1] [Video 2]
Man Awesomely and Wonderfully Made – Respiratory System  [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Activity 3] [Activity G322] [Information 1] [Information 2] [Video] [Visual 1] [Visual 2]
G324LMan Awesomely and Wonderfully Made – Digestive System  [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Information] [Information 2] [Video 1] [Video 2] [Video 3] [Visual 1] [Visual 2]
Man Awesomely and Wonderfully Made – Nervous and Immune System  [Download PDF] [Activity] [Video 1] [Video 2] [Video 3] [Worksheet 1]
Man Awesomely and Wonderfully Made – Mind (1)  [Download PDF] [Video 1] [Video 2] [Video 3]
Man Awesomely and Wonderfully Made – Mind (2)  [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Activity 3] [Activity 4] [Information] [Worksheet]
Man Awesomely and Wonderfully Made – Emotions  [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Story 1] [Visual 1] [Visual 2]
Man Awesomely and Wonderfully Made – Will  [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Video 1] [Video 2]
Man Awesomely and Wonderfully Made – Tripartite  [Download PDF] [Visual] [Video 1] [Video 2]
Man Awesomely and Wonderfully Made – Male and Female  [Download PDF] [Information 1] [Information 2] [Visual] [Video 1] [Video 2]

God’s Law

G500LGod’s Intention for Giving the Law [Download PDF] [Activity] [Visual]
G501LOne God, No Idols [Download PDF] [Activity] [Story]
G502LCaring for the Lord’s Name [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Template] [Story 1] [Story 2]
G503LSanctifying the Lord’s Day [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Story] [Worksheet]
G504LHonouring Your Father and Mother [Download PDF] [Story ]
G505LDo Not Murder [Download PDF] [Story]
G506LHonour Marriage [Download PDF] [Activity] [Story 1] [Story 2] [Story 3] [Video]
G507LDo Not Steal [Download PDF] [Story 1] [Story 2]
G508LDo Not Lie [Download PDF] [Activity] [Information]
G509LDo Not Covet [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2]
G510LThe Greatest Commandments (1) [Download PDF] [Story 1] [Story 2] [Visual]
G511LThe Greatest Commandments (2) [Download PDF] [Activity] [Story1] [Story2]

Proper Humanity

Human relationships

H601LChildren are Important  [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Activity 3] [Activity 4] [Story] [Visual 1] [Visual 2] [Worksheet]
H602LKindness [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Activity 3] [Activity 4] [Story] [Story 2] [Story 3] [Story 4] [Video] [Visual] [Visual 2] [Worksheet]
H603LA Good Conscience [Download PDF] [Story 1] [Story 2] [Video]
H604LHonesty [Download PDF] [Story 1] [Story 2] [Story 3] [Story 4] [Story 5] [Story 6]
H605LFlexible [Download PDF] [Activity] [Video 1] [Video 2] [Video 3]
H606LThankful [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Information] [Story] [Video 1] [Video 2] [Visual] [Visual 2]
H607LTrustworthy [Download PDF] [Activity] [Story 1] [Story 2] [Story 3] [Video]
H608LJoyful [Download PDF] [Activity] [Activity 2] [Information] [Information 2] [Story 1] [Story 2] [Template] [Worksheet ]
H609LSharing [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Story] [Worksheet]
H610LMeekness [Download PDF] [Worksheet]
H611LGrateful [Download PDF] [Video 1] [Video 2] [Video 3] [Worksheet 1] [Worksheet 2]
H612LSympathy [Download PDF] [Story] [Video] [Visual 1] [Visual 2] [Worksheet]
H613LObedience  [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Activity 3] [Story 1] [Story 2] [Story 3] [Video] [Visual] [Worksheet]
H614LNo Rivalry  [Download PDF] [Activity] [Video]
H615LLove (1)  [Download PDF] [Activity] [Story] [Template] [Worksheet]
H616LLove (2)  [Download PDF] [Activity] [Template] [Worksheet]
H617LWelcoming [Download PDF] [Worksheet] [Activity]
H618LServing Others [Download PDF] [Story 1] [Story 2] [Story Visual] [Video]
H619LPeaceful [Download PDF] [Story 1] [Story 2] [Story 2 Visual] [Story 3] [Worksheet]
H620LDignified [Download PDF] [Activity] [Story 1] [Story 2] [Story 1 Visual] [Video 1]
H621LForgiving (1) [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Worksheet 1] [Worksheet 2] [Video]
H622LForgiving (2) [Download PDF] [Story 1] [Story 2] [Story 3] [Story 4][Visual 1] [Visual 2]
H623LNot Proud [Download PDF] [Story 1] [Story 2] [Visual] [Video 1] [Video 2] [Worksheet]
H624LAttentive  [Download PDF] [Activity] [Audio 1] [Audio 2] [Video 1] [Video 2] [Video 3] [Video 4] [Video 5] [Worksheet]
H625LSpeaking [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Template] [Activity3] [Story] [Video]
H626LListening [Download PDF] [Story] [Visual] [Visual 2]
H627LGenuine (True) [Download PDF] [Story 1] [Story 2] [Story 3] [Worksheet]
H628LNot Rebellious [Download PDF] [Activity] [Story] [Visual]
H629LHumble [Download PDF] [Activity] [Story] [Worksheet]
H630LRepenting [Download PDF] [Activity] [Story]
H631LGenerous [Download PDF] [Story] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Video 1] [Video 2]
H632LNot Jealous [Download PDF] [Story] [Visual]
H633LCompassionate [Download PDF] [Story 1] [Story 2] [Visual]
H634LRespectful (1) [Download PDF] [Activity] [Video 1] [Video 2]
H635LRespectful (2) [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Activity 3] [Story]
H636LAccommodating [Download PDF] [Information] [Video]
H637LJust [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Video 1] [Video 2] [Video 3]
H638LGood Attitude [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Activity 3]


H801LAccurate  [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Information 1] [Information 2] [Story] [Video 1] [Video 2] [Video 3 ]
H802LDiligence [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Story 1] [Story 2] [Story 3] [Video 1] [Video 2] [Worksheet]
H803LEndurance [Download PDF] [Activity] [Information] [Video 1] [Video 2] [Video 3] [Video 4]
H804LCareful [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Worksheet]
H805LSelf-control [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2]
H806LStrict [Download PDF] [Story] [Video 1] [Video 2]
H807LCalm [Download PDF] [Information] [Worksheet]
H808LSingle-minded [Download PDF] [Activity] [Activity Template] [Story 1] [Story 2]
H809LContent [Download PDF] [Activity] [Activity 2] [Story] [Visual] [Video] [Worksheet]
H810LOrderly [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Activity 3] [Information] [Video 1] [Video 2] [Video 3]
H811LPatience [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Story 1] [Story 2] [Video 1] [Video 2] [Video 3] [Video 4] [Video 5] [Video 6] [Video 7]
H812LNot Wasteful [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Activity 3] [Information] [Video]
H813LDiscerning [Download PDF] [Story] [Video] [Worksheet]
H814LStrong [Download PDF] [Story] [Video 1] [Video 2]
H815LSteadfast [Download PDF] [Activity] [Story 1] [Story 2] [Video 1] [Video 2]
H816LResponsible [Download PDF] [Story 1(synopsis)] [Story 2(full version)] [Story 3] [Video]
H817LThorough [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2]
H818LBearing Hardship Without Complaint [Download PDF] [Activity] [Activity 2] [Information] [Story 1] [Story 2] [Visual] [Video]
H819LAffectionate [Download PDF] [Activity] [Story] [Video]

Man and God

H901LGod is Your Creator [Download PDF] [Activity] [Powerpoint] [Video 1] [Video 2] [Video 3] [Video 4] [Visual 1] [Visual 2]
H902LGod Wants to be Revealed [Download PDF] [Video] [Visual]
H903LMan Should Honour God [Download PDF] [Information] [Video]
H904LBe Thankful to God [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity Template] [Activity 2] [Information] [Video 1] [Video 2]
H905LMan Needs to Fear God [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2]
H906LMan Can Seek God [Download PDF] [Worksheet]
H907LMan Can Choose God [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Powerpoint] [Video]
H908LMan Needs to Open to God [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity Template] [Activity 2] [Story 1] [Story 2]
H909LMan Can Listen and Obey God [Download PDF] [Activity] [Video 1] [Video 2]
H910LMan Should Love God [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2]
H911LGod is Holy [Download PDF] [Activity 1] [Activity 2] [Story] [Worksheet]
H912LMan Should Announce God [Download PDF] [Visual 1] [Visual 2] [Visual 3

Explanatory Notes

The following may be used to develop your own lessons. Each lesson resource has the main focus and a number of suggested learning experiences.

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